Saturday 4 August 2012

friendship day special dedication :)

"It hurts wen u look back
 scares wen u look ahead, 
so look beside you and your best friend will be there”

Frm the day v strtd being frnds the only q tht came in everyones mind around us was "can a boy nd a gal b frnds??" nd many of thm even fixed their mind "it is impossible" nd i guess v proved them well enuf to shut their mouths ...... U hav been with me thro all the ups nd downs i had in my lyf  nd given me a solution in the best possible way........

"A good frnd knws all ur best stories bt a best frnd has lived them with u"

Friendship s one mind in two bodies .....u always knw watever i think in my mind b it any sort of rubbish things :P nd 99% of the times i say u "i wasn thinkin tht" :P jst to escape frm yu ......

"Everyone hears what you say
Friends listen to what you say
Best friends listen to what you don't say."

Seriously i had no idea wat a best frnd meant befr i became one of its i dnt ask to ppl "am i ur frnd" .....i ask "am i ur best frnd" ...u influencd me soooo much in this :P ( u gotta accpt this) .....U've been with me no matter wat happend ......I consider myself lucky as i hav a person in my lyf to who i cannot wave a "gudbye" at any cost ......

"A true friend is someone who knows there's something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face."

Many times ive wondered ..." hw on the wrld did she find tht o.O? ".......Has anyone gifted u with powers of reading others mind? or did u get any elecrtic shocks frm  any transformers :P ? 

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

Well this section is to share some of  my bitter experiences.....Many ppl came in nd went out like passing clouds........many ppl stayed with me waitin fr a day to backstab.....nd many accomplished their missions too.......u thot me "how to frgive even ur wrst enemies " ....its  nt tht we dnt fyt......v fyt every second without reasns :P nd u proved ur a real frnd ....

"If you die before me, ask if you can bring a  friend"

Lets b practical here......i seriously never ever ever thot u will b a  "life long frnd"....with the fyts v had fr no reasns i thot u wud hav parted away long long ago seriously u slapped me hard with ur patience .......nd im tryin to learn those patience frm u .....

"Books and friends should be few but good"

Having a true frnd is much better than having a gang who are completely fake tht case im happy tht ive found u as my frnd :)...Frndship isn abt hw long u knw the person...its about hw well u knw tht person ....guess u wil agree with this nw :P

"True friendship is sitting together in silence and feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had"

"A Friend in need is a Friend indeed"

Guess ur the best example i can give fr this quote........Wenever i find myself in trouble or wenever i need  any help....i need nt say yu or ask u bt u wil b thr at the right time :)


Friends Forever :)